How Much Cash Does an ATM Hold?

How Much Cash Does an ATM Hold?

How Much Cash Does an ATM Machine Hold?

When considering how much cash an ATM can store, it’s important to note that the capacity can vary significantly depending on the type and configuration of the machine. For large ATMs typically used by banks and credit unions, like those from Diebold and Wincor, the machine might have up to four cash cassettes. Each cassette can store over 2,000 notes, meaning a single ATM could theoretically house more than $800,000 in $100 bills!

However, the reality is much different. Banks and credit unions generally load their ATMs with a mix of denominations, including $5, $10, and $20 bills. They don’t fill the cassettes to their maximum capacity. Instead, the amount of cash loaded is based on each ATM’s transaction history and the demand at that specific location.

For privately owned, white-label ATMs such as those from Hyosung, Triton, and Genmega, the number of cassettes and the storage capacity vary. While some models include two or three cassettes holding anywhere from 1,000 to 2,000 bills each, the most common configuration features just one cassette that holds up to 1,000 notes. In this case, the total cash capacity of the ATM typically reaches around $20,000, assuming $20 bills are loaded—the most commonly used denomination in Canada.

Business owners who own and load their own ATMs typically only stock enough cash to meet demand until the next reload. Since most ATMs are located at places like convenience stores, gas stations, and other retail businesses, the cash load is often kept lower, usually less than $5,000. Many owners choose to reload their machines daily to keep up with cash withdrawals and minimize the total cash loaded each day.

At ATM Calgary, we work with businesses to ensure their ATMs are stocked efficiently and meet the needs of their customers. Whether you’re looking to install an ATM or need assistance with cash management, we’re here to provide tailored solutions for your business.

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